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Services Page 


The acupuncture that I seek to provide is devoted to helping clients feel safe and calm throughout the treatment. Acupuncture can be difficult for some and the thought of needles can be intimidating. I provide an approach to acupuncture that honors where your body and nervous system are at, finding the correct pacing for you. 


During your initial consultation, we will go over an in-depth investigation of your current concerns, review your past medical care, and do a pulse and tongue reading. This appointment is slightly longer due to all the information we gather during intake. From there we will design a pacing of treatment that works for you and allows for a comprehensive ability to meet and continually adjust to your goals. 

Initial Consultation (1hr 15min-30min)      $145

Follow Up Appointment (1hr)                     $110



Cupping is an art that many individuals have been exposed to, but if it's your first time considering cupping, let me tell you a bit about this ancient art. Cupping involves the practice of using cups to create a partial vacuum over the skin that creates space between the tissues to improve circulation to that area to decrease tension and pain.  While it's not a practice for everyone, it can be highly beneficial for those with chronic pain, muscle tension, and inflammation. It will likely leave those distinct red-purple circles behind on the skin for a few days to weeks. This stimulates the body's natural healing process and brings much-needed blood and lymph to the surface which aids in healing tissue and releasing toxins.

Cupping can be added to an acupuncture treatment if indicated or booked as a separate service. It generally takes between 10-30 mins. 

Cupping (10-30mins)        $25

Herbal Consultation

Often during the course of treatment, clients will express their desire for additional support. I've often found that herbs can be key in the transformation of health, and should it be a route you desire to address at some point in your journey, I am more than willing to walk with you.


Herbs are incredibly individualized for each client and takes into account not just the presenting symptoms, but your constitution and continued feedback. Herbs can assist with the regeneration of the body, the improvement of health, as well as countless other benefits.  During a herbal consultation, we will review why taking herbs can be beneficial, the types of herbs available, my individual recommendations, and other considerations that might be critical to your personalized care. 

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Herbal Consultation (30mins)  $55
Plus cost of herbs                     Varied

Treatment Policies

In order to book an appointment, you will need to click on the button above and complete the required steps. 


If cost is prohibitive to you, please contact me for information as I have a few sliding scale spots. 


Once you have booked, you will be sent new patient paperwork to your email, via my Jane software program.


Cancellation policy: Please note that cancellations or rescheduling must be made 24 hours prior to the appointment, or you will be assessed the full cost of the treatment. With that being said, emergencies happen, and we can discuss if appropriate.


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